Monday, November 9, 2009

Book title meme

After reading Alyce's post  At Home with Books,  I decided to give this a try. It's a lot harder than you think, but much more fun than some of those other brain feathers games I see on other social networks.

What To Do: Using only books you have read this year (2009), answer these questions. Try not to repeat a book title.

Describe yourself:  The Girl of His Dreams by Donna Leon

How do you feel: Fatally Flaky by Diane Mott Davidson

Describe where you currently live:  16 Lighthouse Road by Debbie Macomber

If you could go anywhere, where would you go? Portugal by Carlos Vittorino da silva Barros

Your favorite form of transportation: The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo

Your best friend is: Ella Minnow Pea by Mark Dunn

You and your friends are: A Circle of Souls by Preetham Grandhi

What’s the weather like: Shoutin' in the Fog by Thomas Hanna

You fear: Bad Blood by Linda Fairstein

What is the best advice you have to give: There is a Season by Joan Chittister

Thought for the day: Manana, Manana by Peter Kerr

How I would like to die: Pawing through the Past by Rita Mae Brown

My soul’s present condition: So many Books, So Little Time by Sara Nelson

Some of these are a bit of a stretch, but I did have fun. Join in and send us a link if you want to try it.


  1. Hi TuTu,

    I want to thank you for The Bible Salesman by Edgerton. I have it up for my Mailbox Mondays. Thanks again!

  2. I love what you have done with the titles of your books. It does look like fun.

  3. Your book titles fit well here. I liked doing this meme.

  4. I love the answer for your soul's present condition (so true for most of us bibliophiles). :) I think you did a great job with your answers!

  5. I haven't seen this meme before, it looks really fun - I know it would take me forever to decide between titles! Yours are really fun!

  6. did you mention a lighthouse?? ;-)

  7. yes...see describe where I live...LOL

  8. I love it! I vow to tackle this meme one of these days!


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