Thursday, August 20, 2009

Trash overboard!

Abandon ship! That's exactly what I did after the first disc of this horrible book. I enjoy satire, I really do. I get it. I don't mind some sex and violence in my books, (or my listens) but this "hero" (and I almost choke as I write that word) Serge A. Storms, is a vicious, stupid, anti-social excuse for a character. This book is nothing but some post-adolescent fantasy about being nasty to people in every way you can think of, and frankly, my real world is nasty enough without inviting Serge and his more than mildly demented friends in. Think of it as The Three Stooges meet Freddy Kroeger. I'm reasonable picky about what food I eat, so I shouldn't expect my mind to digest garbage either. By the way....this is actually the second time I've tried this book, the first was in print, and I didn't get very far, but I thought maybe I just wasn't in the mood. Often I like a book on audio that I haven't been able to like in print. (Great example is No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency.) I mercifully can't remember who receommended it, and if you were the one, please don't remind me. Then I won't have to think poorly of you. And yes, you're right.... I don't watch REALITY TV either. On to better things...


  1. Hubby tried to read one of his books and said it was a "no-go" so I didn't even bother with it. Too many books, too little time to waste on crappola!

  2. Thanks for the anti-review. It sounds like something I would hate as well.

  3. I like your honesty, Tina! Well done!

  4. I loved the cover, and laughed about it last night as we celebrated hubbie's birthday with two huge (2.5 lbs each) lobsters, and two even huger peach cobblers with local homemade icecream on top....truly atomic --and sinfully wonderful.


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