Sunday, September 2, 2012

Tutu's Fifty Shades

Blue heron - before

Blue heron - updated....

Last month, I mentioned that I wanted to spend some time working on my own Fifty Shades of Grey - my counted cross-stitch canvas of a Great Blue Heron.  While I was counting and stitching away on vacation and then out in my gazebo this glorious August summer month, I was heard to remark that I was getting so tired of all these different shades of grey/pewter grey/blue grey/silver grey, etc etc etc.  Everyone who heard me muttering started calling this Tutu's Fify Shades.

As you can see, I've made some progress, but I suspect it will take me until at least next year's vacation to get anywhere near completion.  In the meantime, this project is an excellent way to keep my hands occupied while I'm listening to audio books. 


  1. Oh, wow. What a project! It is going to be gorgeous when finished!

  2. Your heron is looking better. I do needlepoint (or at least I like to) and I completely understand when you get exasperated with too many shades of the same color. Makes my eyes water just thinking of it.

  3. That's a beautiful pattern! Can I ask where you got it? I've recently taken back up cross-stitching myself.


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