Funny Quote of the Day
I've got to keep breathing. It'll be my worst business mistake if I don't.
Steve Martin

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

September Series: A Dublin Student Doctor by Patrick Taylor

This is a series I've enjoyed over the years, and I didn't even realize a new one had been published until a friend mentioned it. I saw it on the library's audio download and nabbed it to listen to while I was doing my hours in the pool.  Besides, it fit right in with the September series theme.  The pool was the only reason I persevered with this one. At 15 hours, it was about 5 hours too long. Taylor's books have each gotten more verbose, less well edited as the series goes on.

As a doctor writing about doctors, he seems to think we're all really interested in all the nitty gritty of medical diagnoses and treatments. While we may be interested, we don't need a graduate level course. This story--actually a kind of prequel to the series-- takes us back not only to the beginning of Fingal Flahertie O'Reilly's illustrious career in medicine but also the inception of his romance with nurse Kitty O'Hallorhan.  It was delightful backfill for those of us who'd read all the others, but it dragged.  Oh my did it drag.

The whole book, which is 496 pages in hardback, covers his medical studies in excruciating detail.  Not much more to say. There are some lovely scenes with his Ma, and some scenes with Kitty where you want to crack him upside the head and tell him to get on with it, but that's about it.  If you're a fan of the series and have nothing better to do and are dying to get the backfill, go for it.  If you love the series, but have something else you want to read and can accept on faith that Fingal graduated from medical school and fell in love with Kitty, then on with your life, you won't miss this one.

Author: Patrick Taylor
Publisher-Format: MacMillon Audio,  15 hr, 30 min
Year of publication: 2012
Subject: life at medical school in Ireland
Setting: Dublin, 1940's
Series: Irish Country #6
Genre: folksy fiction
Source: public library download


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