Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Mushrooms!! We've got mushrooms!!

My local mushroom picker assures me that due to recent perfect weather conditions, we are now one of the primo mushroom farms in the area!!!

During the past summer, this young man has shown up at my front door, and requested permission to harvest "the gorgeous mushrooms in your yard", always offering us some for our own use.  We have always told him to have at it.  Today, he came back to show me all kinds of goodies....each separated into different sealed bags to segregate the non-edibles (AKA POISONOUS) ones.  He said to me "You really should try these chanterelles - they are spectacularly delicious."

I do like mushrooms, and have never tried these, so I did take a bowl full and am now in pursuit of a good recipe to do them justice.  Mr. Tutu is NOT a big funghi fan, so I'm going to invite my sister who's living down the road for a couple weeks to join me and we'll see what we can come up with.

In the meantime, if any of you out there in blogland have any suggestions, bring them on.  I'll let you know how it goes.


  1. My experience with mushrooms is limited to the supermarket variety. I add them to beef stew, pizza, spaghetti sauce, or saute them with butter and have them as a side dish with steak.

  2. the rain in Maine falls mainly on the ...mushrooms!
    I love mushrooms, of every sort. Sadly, I have no recipes with me at the moment.


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