Wednesday, August 21, 2013

TBRs and Net Galley

Many of you are familiar with Net Galley - that marvelous group who bring us downloadable electronic versions of coming books to add to our groaning virtual piles of books that look exciting.

For many years my husband has accused me of having "eyes bigger than stomach" disease, but since I've been keeping my eating habits under better control, that propensity to bite off more than I can handle seems to have shifted to accumulating books whether of the print, audio or "e" variety, most especially the "e" variety.  They don't seem so daunting when they're out of sight on a Nook or a Kindle, instead of tumbling off the nightstand when the cat tries to jump up.  Recently, I decided it was time to get real - at least with all those e-galleys, so I took some time to clean up my Nook and Kindle.
The cleanup fell into three piles:
  • Those that had alas-already expired, so I made a note if there were any that still caught my fancy.  I actually found only one that I sought out in real print (I actually bought it for my library) because I'd started it and wanted to see how it ended. You can see my review of The One-Way Bridge by Cathie Pelletier here tomorrow.
  • Those that will not expire - several publishers do not attach an expiration file to their galleys (sorta like the paper ARC that arrives and sits forever on your shelf - long past the pub date anyway).  I culled through those and earmarked several that I still want to get to, even though I may not want to read the whole thing. 
    • The Catholic Church -by John Allen. I know this writer and am interested in the topic so this one I'll definitely page through, at least a chapter at a time.
    • A Murder in Passing by Mark de Castrique.  Another author I've read before and enjoyed. Definitely want to get to this one.
  • Those that I still need to read before they expire.  These are the ones that I'm thinking I can get to in time (at least I'd like to try.)
      • The Girls of Atomic City by Denise Kiernan- fascinating subject -secretive project involving women from across the US who built the atomic bomb in Oak Ridge Tenn during WWII.
      • Cold Tuscan Sun - by David P. Wagner.  A new author - new series? A protagonist portrayed as transplanted Yank in Rome certainly intrigues me enough to want to give this one a look.
      • The Hired Man by Aminatta Forna - looking like one that may make it onto the long list for Maine Readers Choice - definitely want to read this one.
      • AND.. several others not due for publication until late September or October.  More on those as time permits.
     At least it feels good to have the list culled, some of the feedback entered and sent, and the teetering virtual TBR mountain somewhat organized.

    Now....If I could just keep it that way.


    1. "They don't seem so daunting when they're out of sight on a Nook or a Kindle", so true and another reason the Evil E-book is so dangerous! ;-)

    2. I made a collection on LT where I list all the ARCs whether ARD or Ebook. That way I never lose track of ones that I owe a review.

    3. I have a print out of all my arcs and eGalleys, but never ever have been caught up. I rarely buy books anymore - library or arcs/eGalley. Congrats for catching up somewhat.


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