Saturday, February 9, 2013

Snowing and Blowing

While most of my blogging is usually about books, Tutu likes to keep everyone up to date on life in Maine. Unless you have not turned on any communication device in the past 48 hours, you probably know that here in Maine we are experiencing an historic blizzard. We live on the coast, just about a mile upriver from the ocean, so this area (near Rockland on your map) is getting swacked. My kitty is really confused because all of his favorite looking out on the world spots are blocked by snow. The most incredible part has not been the 25+ inches of snow, but the very gusty, gutsy winds. The snow is falling at 2-3" per hour and the wind is gusting over 40 mph. We are safe, warm, and well-fed. Gorgeous views are distracting us from our reading, but we're making a dent. I hope you are all safe and secure, warm and dry. Reviews later.........

 On the river......
Thursday before the storm...........................Saturday during the storm

The driveway....................


  1. We've got about 29 inches of snow here in Saco, and the same 'whiteout' conditions!

    1. I was supposed to be heading down your way today to see the sampler exhibit at the Museum.....However....

  2. Oh my gosh! Glad to hear you are safe and warm and able to post these amazing pics!

  3. 2 feet here as well - we have not left the house; winds are brutal. Say warm.

    1. Thanks for stopping by....I left a comment over on your blog after seeing all your snaps.


Welcome, thanks for stopping by. Now that you've heard our two cents, perhaps you have a few pennies to throw into the discussion. Due to a bunch more anonymous spam getting through, I've had to disallow anonymous comments. I try to respond to all comments posing a question, but may not always get to you right away.