Funny Quote of the Day
I've got to keep breathing. It'll be my worst business mistake if I don't.
Steve Martin

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Back to School --- Time for a great giveaway!

Now that the wee ones are returning to school, many readers hope to find a bit of breathing time to settle down with a good book and enjoy the "piece of quiet".  Just in time for that quiet week coming up sooner than you think we have two copies of the newest Barbara Delinsky novel: "Escape" thanks to Liz at Doubleday/Random House.

Publishers Weekly states it perfectly,

"Delinsky nails it in her trademark latest, a captivating and moving story about a woman who's had enough of her life and wants a fresh start. . . . "

Emily Aulenbach is thirty, a lawyer working in Manhattan. She had once dreamed of representing victims of corporate abuse, but she spends her days talking on the phone with vic­tims of tainted bottled water. And it isn’t only work. It’s her sister, her friends, even her husband. She doesn’t connect to much in her life, period.

Emily leaves work early one day, packs her bag, and takes off. She heads north toward a New Hampshire town. During her college years, she spent a summer here. Painful as it is to return, she knows that if she is to right her life, she has to start here.

Sounds Great doesn't it, so let's get this one out there for a September read. Rules are the usual:
  • two copies available,
  • US mailing addresses only (no PO Boxes)
  • Deadline to enter : September 1st
To enter:
  • Leave me a comment  saying whether you've read anything else by Barbara Delinksy (if you haven't -you should!
  • Fill out the form.

Just that easy.  Good luck, and stay tuned for my review.


  1. I have not read anything by this author, but this storyline sounds intriguing!

  2. I haven't read this author before, but I can't tell you how many times I have wanted badly to escape to anywhere. :D

  3. I have read While My Sister Sleeps and Family Tree. I enjoyed both of them.
    mtakala1 AT yahoo DOT com

  4. i have read many books by barbara delinsky.. and have enjoyed them all :)

    thanks for the chance to read this one.

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  5. I don't think I have ever read any of Barbra's books. I need to start!

    lag110 at mchsi dot com

  6. I have read some of Barbara's books, but it's been awhile. Love to read this book.


  7. I checked out all her titles and don't believe that I've read any of them - but I could be mistaken!


  8. I don't think I've actually read any of her books. Escape looks like a great read for the end of summer! Thanks!

  9. Tina, I'd love a chance to read this book. I've read several Delinsky books, and my favorite was the pregnancy pact escapes me.

    bibliophile by the sea AT gmail DOT com

  10. I have read one or two of Delinsky's books including The Vineyard but it's been a while. I always mean to read her books because I love the New England themes and settings but it's so hard to get to all the books I'd like to read!

    Thank you for hosting this giveaway!


Welcome, thanks for stopping by. Now that you've heard our two cents, perhaps you have a few pennies to throw into the discussion. Due to a bunch more anonymous spam getting through, I've had to disallow anonymous comments. I try to respond to all comments posing a question, but may not always get to you right away.