Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Iced Tea anyone?

Now that the sky is blue, the sun is out, and the temperature is approaching 70 (hey--it's Maine!), it's time to think about blueberry sun tea, homegrown tomatoes, the Lobster, Blueberry, and Potato Festivals, and some summer reading. There have been numerous posts about "the" summer reading list, and I've been compiling my own, but this morning, I happened upon a great idea over at The Savvy Reader. Reading short stories for the summer! One of my 999 challenge categories this year has included short stories, a format I'd neglected for years. The collections I've read so far this year have convinced me not to stay away for so long again. In fact, several of those on Savvy's list are going right onto mine. Incidentally, I get some of my best reading ideas from other people's lists. And yes, thanks for asking, my summer list is essentially those books appearing in the On Deck widget in the sidebar.


  1. Looks like some great books in the On Deck widget!

    Enjoy your challenge reading!

  2. Oooh, can't wait for my visit next week!!! Mmmm, lobster... And Dunkin' Donuts! The number of times I'd considered opening a Dunks franchise store out here, I tell ya... :)

  3. I'm right...the weather here is nuts! I live in So. California, about 40 miles north of LA on the edge of the desert, its been cloudy, dreary and chilly for two WEEKS! Mind you, at this time of the year, its usually about 90 here! The high yesterday in my backyard was 61, which feels cold to us. LA always gets this weather pattern they call June Gloom because its so close to the ocean, but out here in the more desert areas, its never even cloudy! It was nice for a while, but now I'm jealous of all that Maine sunshine! (I keep telling myself that every cool day postpones the terrible 108+ weather and its one less day of expensive air conditioning!

    I wanted to stop by your blog and say thanks for following my blog! It’s a wee little thing, and I’m sure as heck not close to the level of blogger so many of you other book bloggers are, but I really appreciate it when people hit the “follow” button. Actually, I wonder sometimes how people manage to have such terrific blogs, and still find time for their lives, I figure I must be a real poor time manager, because I sure can’t seem to figure out how to do it all. It’s that pesky need to take time off for sleep that gets me!

    Thanks again!

    Kelly at The Novel Bookworm


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