Friday, June 30, 2017

Before the Fall by Noah Hawley

Title: Before the Fall
Author: Noah Hawley
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing (2017)
Genre: Suspense thriller
Subject: Journalism, art, and problems of the rich and famouse
Setting: New York, CT, Martha's Vineyard
Source: Public library
Why did I read this book now? It was recommended by several readers whose opinions I respect.

Thrilling, chilling, and suspenseful.  Like many reviewers, I had visions of Fox News manipulators and fake news masquerading as journalism with one of the main characters, but it's a simple story: private plane carrying some very rich and self-important people crashes into the Atlantic ocean between Martha's Vineyard and New York.  Two survivors - a not rich at all neighbor who bummed a ride, and a 4 year boy.   Man swims ten miles to shore with boy on back to be hailed as a hero, but investigation into cause of the crash raises ethical and political issues as we see the background of all the passengers while searching for the who, how, and why.  It's the battle between personal privacy, TV news ratings, and some First World angst, along with some interesting insights into the world of artists and that makes this an entirely satisfying read.

Not sure about the ending, but all in all a great book to take to the beach this summer.


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